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Alzheimer's Society funding awarded for ADAPT Lab to start an ambitious new project.


Updated: Feb 7, 2020

ADAPT Lab has been awarded a grant to start an exciting and innovative new research project (MODIFY), spanning the next 3 years (2019-2022).

Research project: Mental health and other psychological therapy Outcomes; their relationship to Dementia Incidence in the Following Years (MODIFY): A data linkage and feasibility project.

"Really important and of high priority to look into the relationship between mental health and dementia, specifically due to the large proportion of the population that suffer with mental health issues" - Alzheimer's Society Research Network Volunteer

Lead Investigators: Professor Marcus Richards & Dr Joshua Stott

Institution: University College London

Grant type: Project

Duration: 36 months

Amount: £378,208


The MODIFY Project

Anxiety and depression are potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia. However, it is not currently known how treating these mental health issues affects the risk of dementia. This project aims to use complementary research methods to test whether treating anxiety and depression using psychological therapy can contribute to dementia risk reduction.

This project will also test whether it is possible to measure change in other dementia risk factors through the course of psychological therapy, such as poor sleep, loneliness, isolation, physical inactivity and high alcohol use. If this is indeed possible, it could lead to further research into whether psychological therapy may help to prevent dementia by improving other risk factors of dementia.

We are extremely grateful to Alzheimer's Society for funding this research for the next 3 years (2019-2022). We look forward to sharing our progress along the way - Check the ADAPT Lab website and Twitter feed (@ADAPTlabUCL) for updates.

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